High School

Nurturing your Child’s Heart and Mind

The World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th and it’s an international campaign established by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1992 to raise awareness around mental health issues.

As parents and carers, encouraging and guiding our children to think about their mental health and wellbeing can be precious for them, from a young age.

A healthy mind is essential for a child’s overall growth and development and impacts various aspects of their lives. On that note, we would like to share in this article some useful tips for parents to nurture your children’s mental health and explore ways to enhance mental well-being for the entire family:

Listen to them deeply and take what they say seriously

Listening to your children and valuing what they say makes them feel valued. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where they can talk about anything that’s bothering them.

Regularly ask your child how they’re doing, to help them get used to talking about their feelings and thoughts openly and know there’s always someone there to listen.

Help your child develop healthy coping mechanisms when they are facing challenging emotions, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or practicing gratitude. This promotes resiliency and teaches your child that setbacks and failures are a part of life.

Encourage their interests

Be present and interested in their lives and on what’s important to them. This promotes a sense of value, worth and belonging. Support and encourage your child to explore their interests. Being active or creative, learning new things and being part of a team helps connect us and increases our mental wellbeing.

Build Positive Routines and Limit Screen Time

Try to have structure around regular routines, especially around healthy eating and exercise. A good night’s sleep is also important, so have a fixed time for going to bed and getting up. Excessive screen time, especially on social media, can negatively impact mental health. Set limits on screen time and encourage physical activities and face-to-face interactions.

Set Realistic Expectations

Avoid putting excessive pressure on your child. Set achievable goals and celebrate their efforts, not just their achievements, as this avoids causing unnecessary stress and anxiety, as well as feelings of failure and negativity.

Be a Role Model

Children often learn by example. Show them how to manage stress, handle conflicts, and prioritize self-care by demonstrating these behaviors in your own life as well.

Seek Professional Help

If you notice persistent signs of mental health issues such as low mood, irritability, anxiety, or behavioral changes, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Signs that a child might be struggling:

Sometimes, it might be difficult to know if there is something distressing your child, but there are ways to recognize when something’s wrong, such as:

  • Significant changes in behavior;
  • Ongoing difficulty sleeping and/or changes in appetite;
  • Withdrawing from social situations;
  • Not wanting to do things they used to like;
  • Self-harm or neglecting themselves.


When to seek professional help for your child

You know your child better than anyone, so if you’re worried, first think if there has been a significant change in their behavior. If there has, is it caused by any specific events or changes in their life? Does it only happen at home or school, or when they’re with others or alone?

Many children and young people might experience, at some point, behavioral or emotional problems. For some, these will resolve with time, while others will need professional support. A trained therapist or counselor can provide valuable support.

Parents play a crucial role in nurturing their children’s mental health. By promoting open communication, teaching coping skills, and creating a supportive environment, parents can help their children develop the resilience and emotional well-being needed to navigate life’s challenges.

Luísa Heitor - School Counselor

Luisa Heitor
ULIS School Counselor