Boy Girl

In our new school we have a space called “Makerspace”

in which students can work through the design cycle to innovate, explore, make and create, and is a combination between science lab, woodshop, technology lab, and art room. This space is one of the pivotal learning areas of the school allowing students to create, design, experiment, build and invent, as part of their curriculum.

Makerspace is a great way for students to experiment within their school’s curriculum and develop real-world skills at the same time.  We know that nobody can be creative without knowledge, therefore the Makerspace will be an extension of the regular classrooms.

It is well known that learning by doing is one of the most efficient learning methods. One of the major halts in education is the fear of making mistakes but the activities in the Makerspace allows students to trial without apprehension.  Students experience hands on learning, develop critical thinking skills and even boost independence and self-confidence and an authentic preparation for the world beyond school through real-world challenges.  Makerspaces also foster entrepreneurship skills and a maker mindset.

Our teachers have already researched and selected the main equipment and materials for the Makerspace. These vary with the students’ age but we purchased a wide variety from boxes with plasticine or Legos to 3D-printers. The Makerspace of the school will be a collaborative digital space to help transform teaching into a multidisciplinary and community practice. The Makerspace room does not belong to one subject or teacher, it is an essential part of the school as our library.